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Join date: Jun 15, 2020


VISHNU PRASAD: Vishnu has served and contributed his wisdom to thousands of people of more than 75 nationalities.He started his deep yogic and spiritual Journey at a very young age and was initiated into spiritual and yogic meditation practice.The author, speaker, wellness practitioner, yogi, and meditation trainer has made contributions to the wellbeing of society for over a decade through his teachings.He is the founder of Swasthi yoga and Yoglifer.The curriculums are focused on enhancing all areas of human life, which can be focused on meditation, wellbeing, yoga, and many more holistic approaches. Vishnu is sincerely dedicated in his coaching and in his studies and research, in leading a holistic and spiritual path. In his teachings, he provides quality instruction for all levels of wellness activities to improve everyone’s health and happiness. His motto is “Serve, Care, and Transform.”

Vishnu Prasads

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